Chiropractic Misconceptions

Chiropractic Misconceptions

One of the most common questions we get asked as chiropractors (and one of the easiest to answer) is the question of chiropractic safety. The simple facts are that chiropractic care is incredibly safe. Science behind Chiropractic The Science and Philosophy of Chiropractic can be explained in 60 seconds.  Maybe, it is the sheer simplicity…

Children and Chiropractors: Why do children go to chiropractors?

Children and Chiropractors: Why do children go to chiropractors?

Dr. Bonnie Chuter of Richmond Family Chiropractic answers a question about Children and Chiropractors I believe that children have the most to benefit from early preventative health care. Children, especially, children in sports like hockey, gymnastics, dance, skating, martial arts, lacrosse, football, and any other competitive sport need regular chiropractic checkups. Any stress or trauma…