Why Chiropractic for Children?

The birth process is tough for mom and baby!  During the birth process there are a lot of pressures and forces being exerted onto your baby during his/her journey into this world.

Even a “Normal” birth can be quite stressful on the baby.  A researcher, G Gutman has written that “the stress from the birth process remains an under-publicized and therefore significantly under-treated problem.”

Chiropractors who work with children and infants are well trained in care and treatment of newborns.  Chiropractic care for newborns and children is very gentle and specific and most chiropractors working with children have taken extra training.

What Can Cause Birth Injury/Stress?

  1. Very short labor
  2. Very long labor
  3. The use of pitocin to strengthen labor/induce contractions
  4. Pain medications
  5. Restricted maternal birthing position
  6. Pulling or twisting on the head to deliver the infant’s body
  7. The use of forceps or vacuum extraction.
  8. Cesarean delivery

If the birth injury is left uncorrected, this continues to impact a baby’s spinal growth and development.  This can cause many health challenges later in life that could easily have been prevented.

Three indicators in your infant that should alert you to have your newborn checked are:

  1. Baby’s head tilts to one side, even after you straighten it
  2. Baby seems to have difficulty turning head to one side or favours breast feeding on one side
  3. Has difficulty settling down or sleeping soundly

These all indicate nerve stress in the baby.  Dr. Chuter sees lots of pregnant moms, infants and children in her practice and has taken extra training in the care of newborns.   If you have concerns with your infant or child please call our office, chiropractic care will help.